
Find all the resources you need for CE-302 - Construction Materials of your B.Tech journey.

CE-302 - Construction Materials


Unit 1

Stones, Brick, Mortar, and Concrete :

UNIT 1: Stones, Brick, Mortar and Concrete: Stones: Occurrence, Classification of Rocks, Varieties, Characteristics and Their Testing, Uses, Quarrying and Dressing of Stones, Deterioration of Stones, Retardation of Decay of Stones, Preservation of Stones, Artificial Stones. Brick: Manufacturing, Characteristics, Classification and Uses, Improved Brick from Inferior Soils, Hand Molding Brick Table, Clay-Fly Ash Brick Table. Concrete: Ingredients, Grades of Concrete, Concrete Production, Special Concrete.

Unit 2

Timber, Glass, Steel, and Aluminium :

UNIT 2: Timber, Glass, Steel and Aluminium: Timber: Important Timbers, Their Engineering Properties and Uses, Defects in Timber, Seasoning and Treatment, Need for Wood Substitutes, Plywood, Particle Board, Fibre Board, Applications of Wood and Wood Products, Plaster Boards, Adhesives, Types of Gypsum Board and Their Uses. Glass: What is Glass, Nature of Glass, Structure of Glass, Macro Molecular Structure, Main Oxides in Glass, Thermal and Optical Properties, Effect of Coating. Steel: Physical Properties of Structural Steel, Grades of Steel. Aluminium: Properties, Forms, Uses, Advantages.

Unit 3

Flooring, Roofing, Plumbing, and Sanitary Material :

UNIT 3: Flooring, Roofing, Plumbing and Sanitary Material: Flooring and Roofing Tiles, Types of Flooring – Marble, Kota Stone, Wood, etc. Types of Roofing, P.V.C. Materials, CI, GI, Asbestos Pipe, Stoneware Pipes.

Unit 4

Paints, Enamels, and Varnishes :

UNIT 4: Paints, Enamels and Varnishes: Composition of Oil Paint, Characteristics of an Ideal Paint, Preparation of Paint, Covering Power of Paints, Painting: Plastered Surfaces, Painting Wood Surfaces, Painting Metal Surfaces. Defects, Effect of Weather, Enamels, Distemper, Water Wash and Colour Wash, Varnish, French Polish, Wax Polish.

Unit 5

Miscellaneous Construction Materials :

UNIT 5: Miscellaneous Construction Materials: Bitumen, Tar and Asphalt – Their Characteristics and Uses, Ultra Poly Vinyl Chloride Pipes, Thermal and Sound Insulating Materials, Water Proofing Materials.

Unit 1

Stones, Brick, Mortar, and Conc...

Unit 2

Timber, Glass, Steel, and Alumi...

Unit 3

Flooring, Roofing, Plumbing, an...

Unit 4

Paints, Enamels, and Varnishes

Unit 5

Miscellaneous Construction Mate...