Find all the resources you need for CS-304 - Digital Systems of your B.Tech journey.
UNIT 1: Review of number systems and number base conversions. Binary codes, Boolean algebra, Boolean functions, Logic gates. Simplification of Boolean functions, Karnaugh map methods, SOP-POS simplification, NAND-NOR implementation.
UNIT 2: Combinational Logic: Half adder, Half subtractor, Full adder, Full subtractor, look-ahead carry generator, BCD adder, Series and parallel addition, Multiplexer – demultiplexer, encoder-decoder, arithmetic circuits, ALU.
UNIT 3: Sequential logic: flip flops, D, T, S-R, J-K Master-Slave, racing condition, Edge & Level triggered circuits, Shift registers, Asynchronous and synchronous counters, their types and state diagrams. Semiconductor memories, Introduction to digital ICs 2716, 2732 etc. & their address decoding. Modern trends in semiconductor memories such as DRAM, FLASH RAM etc. Designing with ROM and PLA.
UNIT 4: Introduction to A/D & D/A converters & their types, sample and hold circuits, Voltage to Frequency & Frequency to Voltage conversion. Multivibrators: Bistable, Monostable, Astable, Schmitt trigger, IC 555 & Its applications. TTL, PMOS, CMOS and NMOS logic. Interfacing between TTL to MOS.
UNIT 5: Introduction to Digital Communication: Nyquist sampling theorem, time division multiplexing, PCM, quantization error, introduction to BPSK & BFSK modulation schemes. Shannon's theorem for channel capacity.